Thursday, February 26, 2015

Press Release about Product Release

So the biggest Product Release I have ever worked on is going to happen in three months - I am going to push out *what is hopefully* a human being. (Though I wouldn't mind an alien...sometimes I think an alien is more probable. Unless you know, I release a tiny Kung Fu Panda. Now that I think of it, the rate at which it's kicking but then, sleeping through all ultrasounds, I think Po is the more probable outcome)
And yes, I am completely aware that two posts ago, I gave tips on avoiding this subject. And no, I did not give in just because random aunties asked me to. Or because my GoT responses did not work. I assure you, they still do. You can still use them all you want. 
We just decided it was time to produce a minion. And you know, train it to do minion-y stuff for us. So be nice to us, people. Else things like 'Nibbles, poop on her hand' and  'Tiny darling, why don't you puke on his nice bald spot?' will be very common place in your life.
Yes, Nibbles is the name of the minion right now - after the diaper toting grey mouse in Tom and Jerry that is constantly hungry. No, I am not eating to my heart's content and blaming it on the minion. Well, maybe a little bit. But you can't prove it! Ha!
What are we going to name the little one? We did think of little Copernicus or little
Mufasa or a little Schrodinger (and then definitely get a cat and call it Schrodinger's cat. Then teach Nibbles about the experiment, confusing the kid for life). But a friend pointed out !xobele is a rather nice name. I agree. Little !xobele it is. Don't anybody dare try and steal the name - somebody will-a get hurt real bad.

As with any product release, I have 'pressing' issues - issues that make me visit the loo a million times a day. Last week, I developed a huge heat boil on my eye. I looked exactly like Quasimodo- only instead of the hump on the back, I had a bump up the front. Radiant pregnancy glow, my ass. :D to sum up, don't be surprised if you see me rolling along some sloped Bangalore road in the next few months - the rate at which I am going, we will probably need to sell our car and buy a tow truck. Just step aside, let me roll by, wave a hi maybe, but don't try to stop me. Nature did not provide me with brakes. Chances are, I will roll over you. 

Don't say I did not warn you.

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