Thursday, July 30, 2009


Why is AT-Promo sending me corny happy frendship day msgs?
I mean..I'm not that close to it n all..
its awkward!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Ponderings of a Pozhapuless Girl

-Does a peahen get angry wen a more(peacock) calls it 'more nee'? I mean..isnt tat an insult to its gender?
-I am already wen somebdy flatters me, will I luk like a 1 rupee coin?
-Ppl say 'Two soul'...but can they ever say '2 sole'?
-Aal is fair in luv and war? Isnt tat racial discrimination?
-Thinking of flattering again....y rnt ppl who stay in flats called flatterers?

I did get some interesting replies i got when i shared my confusions abt the ways of the world with my fellow pozhapu ketta fave one being:
'no they'll be flatterings - like ducklings' for qn no. 5

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I think naming me vetti turned out to be a bad omen....coz the basically lazy me has always landed in places where lotsa work is required. Dont ask me how...I dunno myself
I've never been a workaholic...but I like working for days like today...the calm after the storm....things seem extra shinier, extra chirpier and extra extra funnier than they usually are....making me giggle at stuff more than i usually do(I kno tat wud border lunacy....but i dont care :D)
Now if u'l all excuse me, I'm gonna go play carrom...which I'm abysmally bad at but I refuse to stop playing :D

Friday, July 10, 2009

For the looking glass

Warning: Heavy girlie content ahead!
It is unanimously agreed that I am a fashion dyslexic...actually plain lazy wud b better suited but it just doesnt have the same elan as 'fashion dyslexic' :P
So what happens when i visit a 'bridal' parlor with a bunch of the other members of the 'fairer sex' of the BG street household? Something along the lines of a romcom movie.....I guess the parlor is the only place that has actually made me feel guilty for my lack of expertise on facials,manicures and pedicures.
Enter the bride..followed by lots of noise about who needs to do what before the budding beauty wants the 'pearl facial', while that aunt who's always asked u y u havent dun a chin reduction(I have this beautiful dokku aka elongated chin...something I share with the likes of Lara Dutta) wants a 'chocolate pedicure'....then thrs the 'hair spa' guaranteed to make ur hair luk like u'v jus walkd off a shampoo ad...oh! there r just so many terms..i cant even remember all if it now!
Amidst all this chaos is ME...going 'huh?' n 'y?!' our fave aunt decides to help out the poor bewildered creature(Fave Aunt:"Whatever are you going to do wen its ur wedding?! I am never going to leave ur side!!" Me:Aghast!)n looks at me, top to bottom n says 'Pls give her a facial n a pedicure' to the 'beauty specialist' (BS for short) nearby and walks off.
Now I'm stuck...all alone..more confused than ever...protesting to the air where my aunt was..shouting 'but i have allergiesss!'
BS: 'Dont worry madam...we'l make sure nothing happens to u'
Me(wishing I was fast asleep at home..i was sleep deprived then u kno!):Umm....ok
BS: 'What kind of facial do u want maam?'
Me:Ummm....wat do u have?
BS: !$%*@!&#)*!@&#_!#*(
Me: How abt i just do the pedicure?
BS:Sure abt @#%^@(!&^@!*)@(*)!@?
Me: Do u have a regular one?
BS: U mean..@)!@(!)?
Me: yes, tat one thanx!

Then, feeling like a bumbling idiot, I had a pedicure...the point for which I still dont get....cant ppl wash their feet with dettol n soap in their own homes? Is it the nail polish that poses a problem then? Sheesh!

So once that got over, I waited for the others(who tuk all afternoon AND evening), and at the end of teh day, as per the 'Beauty Specialists', were ravishing n either lookin '10 yrs younger' or magically missing spots on the forehead(to me..they all looked the same..just cleaner!)
All in all, I felt like Alice in Wonderland..