Friday, April 9, 2010

Geek and Latin

Like the rest of the world right now, I too am a hugee fan of The Big Bang Theory.
And anybody who follows it as much as I do would have watched the latest episode of Sheldon getting drunk and getting geeky on jokes.
Here's one of the jokes:
So a neutron walks into a bar n asks the bartender…how much for a drink?
And the bartender says….for you…no charge!

He he he he he....i admit it...I'm geeky enough to find it funny (yes...i still remember loadsa stuff like that...any Tamilnadu stateboard student would!). So the Software professional in me made me forward it to our ever running thread of stuff and nonsense. And you know what I love about my friends? They dont just leave it at a chuckle, they tend to make conversations out of it, making anybody else who reads the whole thing wanna tear their head off. And the conclusion and questions that developed from this joke?
1. If an electron walks into the bar, will it have to give the bartender the drink?
2. Or will it hook up with a proton at the bar?
3. If does hook up with a proton, will it become neutral and get a free drink?
Does this means couples always get free stuff?
4. Wen a fast movin neutron hits a uranium atom, it splits n produces 2 elemnts ka atoms...So is the uranium like divorce?
5. Are the 2 other elements ka atoms that come as a side product, children from the marriage?

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Its been a year since I posted that. Guess what I realized when I read it again today?
I'm frozen in time!
I am still bored.
I am still stuck in a rut.
I am still whiling away time till I get to go to the foodcourt and watch IPL
I am still grrrrr.
The wise soul still maintains that life is round and reminds us of it whenever she gets a chance.
But there is one interesting development though....I am even more clueless and confused about what I want with my life than I was an year ago.
Can I ever get out the circle?