Wednesday, August 27, 2014

GoT it, I say!

There is no denying it - as much as it pains me to say this - I am 27 years old.
So are most of my friends.
A recent survey among them has revealed that most need to tackle near and dear ones, random aunties and uncles, or younger cousins even, asking them about
a. their pending marriage
b. their pending spawning

So to make things interesting the next time this subject is broached, I have decided to propagate the art-of-GoT.
Here are a few samples:

"Your life will be so empty if you don't have kids right away"
"You know nuthin', aunty-o"

"What do you mean it's too soon to get married? You are a girl - no boy wants to marry an old cow!"

"Why do you think all your friends are married?"
"Valar Morghulis"

"You are next in line, eh? Eh? Eh?"

"Why won't you get married?"
"Winter is coming"

"Your biological clock is ticking. Make babies before it's too late."

"I just told your mother about an alliance - your second cousin's maternal aunt's grandmother's sister's daughter-in-law's nephew. I am going to be responsible for you finally getting married, see."
"A Lannister always pays his debts"

"Give us one good reason you won't marry this boy who is oh-so-wonderful on paper."

Extra points for assuming the tone and expression of the character.
What say?

PS: GoT is Game of Thrones. If you do not know that is, you must be that frozen early man they thawed back to life.
PS Reloaded: Hodor

1 comment:

  1. For watching just bits and pieces of the show , with just wiki reading.. u absolutely nailed it :P
