Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Words...powerful devices that can make you feel joy, anger, disappointment or excitement - all at the same thing, just because of the way they appear.
Such beauty, and yet such deceit, they can bring about.

Why am I gushing about words now?
Because I can across this somewhere:
"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile." ~Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Chapter 17

Its not poetry, I know. I mean, come on! Its from Fight Club! But its still better than the way my DS Prof conveyed it to the 4-5 students with their hands in the air, when he asked who (in the mostly failing class) had managed to get above 35%.
"Just because you are the top ten among garbage, it does not mean you are not garbage. You are still garbage."

You should have seen the hands-frozen-in-the-air students' faces :D


  1. Nalla vela...its so difficult to see urself/myself in such a situation...

  2. wow ..the analogy between something as poignant as that and the garbage dialogue by your prof..seriously..

  3. Ha ha :D I am truly amazed you thought of the garbage scene when you read that ! :P

  4. MANNNNNN!! This made my day :D :D
    btw, who is 'me' ?? :P
